One of the problems of companies is document management.

Currently, 95% of business documents consist of emails with attachments.

The remaining 5% consists of letters and faxes that can be easily converted into electronic format.

E-dox is the document management solution that allows you to store all the documentation and automatically generate the output and input protocol through the simple forwarding of the email to specific mailboxes.

The e-dox system allows what with other mail systems is complex:

• Sharing documents between multiple users using the Internet.

• Reading shared mail with a regular browser

• Automatic protocol number management

• Full text search in the text of emails

• Implicit backup

To manage a company’s entry and exit protocol, to store and retrieve documents and communications with customers and suppliers, e-dox is the only solution on the market that does not involve additional work and dedicated resources.


To insert e-mail, documents and faxes into e-dox simply forward the e-mail or fax to a specific e-mail box.

The e-dox system will store and define the protocol number.

To separate incoming documents from outgoing documents, two mailboxes are defined. It is also possible to use specific customisable attributes (cost centre, project, etc.) and create additional protocol boxes.


From the web you can retrieve both the list of documents, and get the mail complete with attachments, through a full text search in all the fields of the e-mail including the text.

© e-voluzione srl

Registered office: Via del Parco Margherita, 23 - 80121 Napoli (Italy)

Operative Office: Via Diocleziano, 107 - 80125 Napoli (Italy)

VAT: IT 04767731211
